Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cory Letters - April 1862

Note: Although James’ arm is slowly mending, he doesn’t seem very confident that he’ll be returning to duty. This letter offers poignant insight into the deteriorating situation at home, as his mother appears to be attempting to foster out one of James’ brothers. I believe his problems receiving his pay rise from the fact that he wasn’t with his regiment.

Kalorama Hospital, Apr /’62

Dear Mother& Sister,

What is the reason that I dont hear from you, I have had no answer to my last two letters. I hope you will write soon & tell me how you get a long.

I can sit up now & I am going to ask the Doctor for my clothes in a few days so that I can go out doors. Where is Fred Myers, I have not see or heard from him. If I have no drawbacks I will be able to leave here in a month if not before.

My Regiment went to Fortress Monroe. I have not heard from it yet, I shal send you my money when I do. The first of may I have six months pay coming to me with that which the Lieuteant has. It is so pleasant so pleasant out doors that I can hardly stay in the house.

My arm is getting along famously I can raise it so as to touch my chin. It does not discharge any more. Have you heard from George yet or Pa or Nate. I would like to know what Regiment George belongs to.

Have you found a place yet for Frank. I feel that you have not. Please tell me the next time that you write. If I were to tell you that I had hopes of getting discharged I presume you would stay & wait my coming but get Frank a place & go a visiting for fear of being disappointed. If I get discharged I will come and see you. Besides it will save a great deal of expense I should not stay at home of course if I was able to earn my board on a farm. I wont be confined in a store or house if I can help it. It is three months since came here. My love to all & I am hoping you & Kate will write soon. I remain

James Henry Cory

Mrs. B.M. & Miss Kate Cory

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