Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lost Companies: Companies G and I, 2nd Dragoons

During the consolidation of the Regular regiments at the beginning of the Civil War, several companies were lost in the shuffle and greatly delayed in rejoining their regiments. The 1st Dragoons left two companies behind, and the 2nd Dragoons left three. Over the next few weeks, I will try to tell the tales of these “lost companies.”

Company G, 2nd Dragoons remained in New Mexico territory when the regiment began its consolidation. It participated in the campaign that culminated in the battle of Valverde, serving as artillerymen in McRae’s Battery along with members of the 3rd US Cavalry. They manned the battery with skill commended by General Crook, though the battery’s commander, Captain Alexander McRae of the 3rd Cavalry, was killed during the battle. The company returned to Fort Leavenworth in October 1862, where it was joined by Company I.

Company I remained at Fort Garland, Colorado at the outbreak of the war, tasked with protecting civilians from hostile Indians until volunteer units could be organized and trained. Once the two companies were united, they marched to Washington, where they arrived together on November 23, 1863.

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